Friday, October 21, 2011

The Judgement Bar

Greetings Millennial Mormons.  My name is "Moroni" and I am here to finish the book of my "father", the Millennial Mormon.  He gives you his greetings, blessings, and love.  In his final message to you, he wanted me to post this picture of Ferris Bueller.  You may remember his appearance at the end of the credits.  The Millennial Mormon's final message to you is he has crossed the river Jordan.  He is finding an inheritance in the "Promised Land" after several battles under the leadership of Joshua.  He encourages you to do the same.  As a result now, he is bringing peace on earth and goodwill to men and women.  So, when Ferris says "Go Home" pay attention to the deeper symbolic meaning for you.  Go Home.  Peace and blessings to you.