Thursday, September 10, 2009

Let the Journey Begin . . .Part 3

You are now ready to enter the promised land under the leadership of Joshua (Jesus). It was hard for you to let go of Moses (living or dead prophets). In fact you may have wept a few tears and sang a few hymns (Praise to the Man) to help you mourn the loss and make the transition to Joshua (Jesus). But you are now ready.

Moses had previously sent out spies to check this mystical place out. After 40 days, (period of time of cleansing and preparation) all of them report back that it is a worthy goal and an incredible place that flows with unbelievable abundance. The vast majority of the spies however believe that it is an impossible task to conquer the cities and tribes that now inhabit it (see Numbers 13 and Numbers 14). They are fearful of the walled cities and the children of Anak whom they consider to be "giants". The 10 spies (symbolic of lost and fallen man and the ten LOST tribes) believe that it can't be done. Only Joshua (symbolic of Jesus Christ) and Caleb (symbolic of a whole, holy, perfect, complete man or woman) have a positive report and believe that the promised land can be conquered and inhabited. "Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it" (Numbers 13:30).

Do you see the parallels in your own life dear reader? The promised land is about you! It is about you conquering the physical body and subjecting it to the spirit. Your physical body is a miracle and has the power to help you create a world that flows with milk and honey. It will help you to have the abundant life you have been searching for. It will help you usher in peace and prosperity. But it must be conquered. And it will require more faith than you can imagine. You will need to trust in God and banish fear in order to conquer these walled cities of the carnal man or woman. Your spirit may feel like a grasshopper compared to the giant carnal man. With God nothing is impossible and it is truly worth it to create a life that exceeds your fondest expectations.

The 10 spies who give an "evil" report scare the children of Israel beyond belief (no faith). The people become so frightened that they actually want to turn back to Egypt (Outer Darkness) and die there or die in the wilderness (Telestial Kingdom). Eventually they even want to kill Moses and Aaron. The Lord is appalled that Israel would so easily forget His constant help and amazing miracles that have been ever-present in their journey. He is not pleased with this attitude and choice to turn back to Egypt (outer darkness) and to kill the prophet. He therefore is considering disinheriting the children of Israel (forfeiture of spiritual blessings and returning to outer darkness where the body completely rules the spirit).

Fortunately, due to Moses' mediating (symbolic of Christ's Atonement), and Moses identifying the correct and true attributes of God (symbolic of the atonement of Christ), and Joshua renting his clothes (also symbolic of the atonement of Christ), the Lord gives Israel mercy but declares that they must continue to wander in the wilderness (Telestial Kingdom) for 40 years (period of time for cleansing and preparation). He says that the 10 spies and that entire generation of the children of Israel other than Joshua (Jesus Christ) and Caleb (symbolic of the whole, holy, perfect, complete man or woman) will need to "die" before the next generation (spiritually reborn) can enter the promised land. The Lord says of the faith-full Caleb: "But my servant Caleb, because he had another spirit with him (living life through revelation with the physical body in submission to the spirit), and hath followed me fully, him will I bring into the land whereinto he went; and his seed (physical body and senses) shall possess it" (Numbers 14:24).

At first, these two chapters in Numbers may seem particularly harsh, especially to the natural/carnal man. However, when spiritual symbolism is used it has profound meaning for our individual lives, spiritually refreshes us, and lifts us up to higher ground. When seen through the lens of carnal/natural men and women, the story either appears foolish and strange, meaningless, or a twisted and monstrous justification that leads to fundamentalism and misery for ourselves and others. On the other hand, it can be life changing for us and lead to a millennial day within ourselves.

Can you see dear reader how this may apply to you and your life? Have you looked at the promised land and had a glimpse of the wonderful life (kingdom of God) that is "at hand"? Do you believe what Jesus said when he declared that the Kingdom of God "cometh not with observation" but is "within you"? Can you see that your eternal life is not just some far away future place that seems like a dream but can actually begin this very minute? Can you see how the present is a part of your eternal life? Can you see your own personal millennium? Yes it is scary, but don't shrink away. You can do it.

As you cross the river Jordon (threshold of the Terrestrial) you continue to recognize amazing miracles in your life. You might say that you live in a brighter world. You might say that a light has been turned on for you. You see clearer than you have before. Things appear to make more sense. Your courage is sustained and supported. You continue in faith to be led by your captain (Jesus Christ) to conquer the promised land.

There are many battles.

The battle of Jericho is wonderfully illustrative of these battles. Armageddon in the New Testament is also highly symbolic of this process. Today we will focus on Jericho to continue our Old Testament theme. As you remember, Jericho has impressive walls which can only be destroyed by spiritual power. They could not be destroyed by a purely natural way. The children of Israel will need the Lord's help to conquer this fortified city.

What are the walls and barriers in your life that need to fall in order for you to have a personal millennium? What have been the walls and barriers of the most successful individuals who have walked the Earth and have had the most benificial impact on all of humanity? Who are these people through whom all the families of the Earth have been blessed? Are you becoming one of the noble and great ones?

In Joshua 5 the captain of the Lord's hosts (God) appears to Joshua and instructs him to remove his shoes because he is standing on holy ground (Terrestrial Kingdom). Have you ever removed your shoes on holy ground dear reader? When did you do that? Joshua is then instructed on how to destroy the city walls. The plan is curiously unusual and only a spiritually centered individual would believe that it can work. The natural man or woman would mock such a plan and "shoot out the lip" in scorn and ridicule. The Lord (God/Divine Nature/Intelligence) speaks to Joshua (our spiritual natures) who tells (revelation) the perfectly obedient children of Israel (our physical natures including our senses) what to do to conquer the city (have our physical body in complete submission to our spirit, and our spirit in complete submission to God/Divine Nature/Intelligence thus becoming whole/holy/perfected/complete).

This is how the pattern of a whole (holy) complete, at-one-ment person lives their life from moment to moment each day:
GOD/Divine Nature/Intelligence--revelation-> SPIRIT---> PHYSICAL BODY

This is how fallen men and women operate moment to moment each day:
PHYSICAL BODY--seeing all things in a fragmented good and evil way--> SPIRIT --> GOD/Divine Nature/Intelligence

In order to create miracles in your life and conquer your walled cities you will need to become whole (holy), perfect (complete) and live your life in the flow and unity of personal revelation. This is how Joshua and the children of Israel conquered Jericho. Living your life this way will tend to be viewed by carnal, external individuals as strange and peculiar. Remember that the Lord called his people a "peculiar people." They were different. They were a treasure. That is who you are dear reader. When you are ready.

Part of the plan to conquer Jericho was to COMPASS the city (Joshua 6). I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that Joshua and the children of Israel created a perfect circle around the city! It must have seemed very peculiar to the inhabitants of Jericho. Can you imagine them laughing and mocking this peculiar people? As you may recall, the horns blow (symbolic of divine/inspired call to action and then taking action in an inspired manner) and the walls come tumbling down.

In what would seem to literalistic/legalistic/fundamental/fallen/carnal/natural men and women a gruesome directive, the children of Israel are instructed to "utterly destroy all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword (Joshua 6:21). Failing to realize the spiritual meaning of this scripture, as well as the plan of salvation, can lead to either great abhorrence for religion and scripture, or, at a minimum, discomfort, or worst of all, fundamentalist justification for violence.

The spiritual significance and meaning of this scripture is plain to see. Your physical/natural nature must be completely submissive. You can't leave anything out where the natural man or woman can once again make a foothold in your life. If you do not "utterly destroy" the natural man or woman it will lead to more internal wars, external carnal commandments and laws, judges (bishops and other priesthood leaders), minor prophets (living prophets with less power than Moses), coming into your life to help you return to Jesus Christ (Terrestrial Kingdom). In many ways it is like a person who is not fully immersed in the water at baptism and must be baptized again until full immersion takes place. You must "burn the city with fire, and all that is therein (Joshua 6:24) says the Lord.

WARNING and Disclaimer: Please dear reader do not take the above statement literally and immolate yourself over hot coals or a bonfire like Boromir's father Denethor Steward of Gondor did in Return of the King. It's not a pretty sight. Nor should you interpret it as rationale for arson towards an actual city you want to conquer so you can have its gold and silver. Millennial Mormonism Today and the Millennial Mormon will not be held liable for any such actions. It also does not mean that your spirit needs to be tyrannical in the same way your body has been. That would be an "eye for an eye" approach and revenge-oriented. In the end your spirit and body need to be reconciled and live in a peaceful relationship built on a foundation of faith, love and trust. They need to be the best of neighbors and friends who love one another. Your body should be submissive to your spirit in a harmonious and glorious relationship. A tyrant spirit would suggest hyperasceticism and lead to misery or trying to actually kill your body. There are a few who are "Hellenized Mormons" who detest the body as the Greeks did and view the physical as a prison. Where is the joy in that? A wise man told me that this would be substituting one tyranny for another. So don't do any of these things!

There. Now that we got that out of the way we can concentrate on purer and more refined levels of meaning that will bless our lives and those around us. By understanding these principles we become the seed of Moses and Abraham. Truly, through you, (like Abraham a noble and great one) all the nations and the families of the Earth can and will be blessed by awakening to these principles.

There is one last symbolic meaning that I think is valuable and it has to do with Rehab and her family who are the only native survivors of the battle of Jericho. Rahab (symbolic of the natural/carnal man or woman) was a woman in the city of Jericho who was a prostitute (or perhaps I should use the biblical term for her which is harlot--either way her profession is symbolic of the physical nature being in complete control of the spiritual). As you recall she aids (spiritually awakens) the men (living prophets) that Joshua (Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life) sends to scout out (remember living prophets prepare the way, they are not THE way) the city of Jericho. She takes them in at the risk of her life and her family's life and harbors them. In gratitude, Joshua's men (living prophets) tell her (teach her about Jesus Christ and his gospel) she will be saved when the city falls if she will hang a scarlet thread (symbolic of the At-one-ment) from her window. She is obedient and she (newly whole, holy, perfected, complete man or woman) is saved. Interestingly, some people believe that Rahab marries Salmon who is a descendant of Judah and therefore becomes part of the bloodline that leads to Jesus the Christ (see Matthew 1:5).

As you live off the promised land and life flows for you like milk and honey and you recognize and reap your birthright and all the abundance that is everywhere present, you will find a new zest for (eternal) life. There will be peace and plenty. Through you, all the families of the Earth shall be blessed. You will accomplish the work you were sent here to do. This work is a co-creation between you and God and was ordained before the foundations of the Earth. Your goals and your dreams will be realized. Out of you shall flow living waters. You will be a light to the world. You will be the salt of the Earth. You will inherit the Earth because your physical nature is meek and obedient to your spiritual nature. The desert shall bloom as a rose. You were not meant to live in pain, fear, scarcity, and anxiety. That is but a small moment. What you were made and meant for was to live in ever expanding abundance and joy. Jesus said: "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly" (John 10:10). So, GET A LIFE! You were meant to have an abundant life! As you conquer the promised land your customized abundant life will be realized. You will be prepared to live by every word that proceedeth forth from the mouth of God (live by revelation) and therefore ready to enter the Celestial Kingdom where eye hath not seen nor ear heard of the blessings that are in store for you. You can't even imagine it! The Celestial Kingdom is beyond what any of us can see or imagine. Once we go through our Terrestrial stage of spiritual evolution and have mastered it, we will then be ready to move on to even better and BRIGHTER things!

I hope you have enjoyed our journey with the children of Israel. I hope you will see that their journey is our journey and that your birthright is in front of you. I wish you nothing but peace and blessings as you conquer the promised land and usher in a personal millennium within yourself. May God be with you until we meet again my friends.

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